On the Cognition of God according to Karol Wojtyła



God, human person, cognition of God, act of faith, human reason


The article concerns Karol Wojtyła’s approach to the cognition of God. In one of his minor works, written in 1950s, he presents his position, which is typical for the Thomistic philosophy but also contains some other elements, related to Augustinian philosophy and Catholic theology. Of particular interest is Wojtyła’s description of the formation of the act of faith. It reveals a kind of interplay between God’s grace and human reason and will. Although God primarily takes an initiative in this respect, the role of the human being is important and indispensable; without his active participation there is no possibility of a living faith. Wojtyła’s presentation of the topic predates his papal works, particularly the encyclical letter “Fides et ratio,” but some similarities are striking. It may mean that the content of the encyclical was maturing in Karol Wojtyła’s mind for decades and hence his book sheds some important light on early Wojtyła’s achievements, which were later developed by John Paul II.


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How to Cite

Hołub, Grzegorz. 2024. “On the Cognition of God According to Karol Wojtyła”. Wojtyła Studies 1 (1):4-13. https://wojtylastudies.org/index.php/wojst/article/view/18.


