“I am needed”: the Fundamental Point of the Logic of Love According to Karol Wojtyła. Preliminary Remarks


  • Dariusz Radziechowski The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków


Karol Wojtyła, love, person, culture, ethic, anthropology


This article tries to demonstrate the thesis postulated by Karol Wojtyla, according to which a person needs love to truly be a person. The starting point of consideration is Wojtyla’s little-known letters to Teresa Życzkowska. He argued that the foundation of “the inner logic of love” is the objective awareness that “I am needed.” Man needs to love and be loved to realize himself as a person. Such love cannot be the “use” of the other person, but the gratuitousness of a gift that is both offered and received. Love does not appear as a finished “product,” and it requires molding (culture). The specificity of the human act makes it possible not only to perceive and affirm the values of the other person, but also to help their manifestation. And what is more, if the human act not only expresses itself externally, but also remains within the subject, love is always a self-giving and self-growth.


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How to Cite

Radziechowski, Dariusz. 2024. “‘I Am needed’: The Fundamental Point of the Logic of Love According to Karol Wojtyła. Preliminary Remarks”. Wojtyła Studies 1 (2):42-53. https://wojtylastudies.org/index.php/wojst/article/view/25.


