“Maturity Is Within Love, Transforming Fear.” Love as the Proper Act of the Person in Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophical Anthropology



Wojtyła, fear, love, freedom, self-gift


This article presents Wojtyła’s “logic of the gift” in terms of man’s ability to fulfill himself through relationships of self-gifted love. As man continues to grow in his maturity through relationships of communio personarum, the human being can fulfill his task to become someone who is capable of relationships of love that transcend his fear of disclosing himself to the “other.”


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How to Cite

Francois, Jacob W. 2024. “‘Maturity Is Within Love, Transforming Fear.’ Love As the Proper Act of the Person in Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophical Anthropology”. Wojtyła Studies 1 (2):54-72. https://wojtylastudies.org/index.php/wojst/article/view/29.


